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dokter keluarga bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "dokter keluarga"
  • dokter:    doctor's; medic; medician; medico; physician;
  • keluarga:    family; kin; kindred; relatives; the estate;
  • dokter:    doctor's; medic; medician; medico; physician; physicians; doctor; md; quack; doc; physican; medical doctor; doctor or other health worker; dr.
  • keluarga:    family; kin; kindred; relatives; the estate; descent; flesh and blood; folks; house; kinsfolk; relative; large family; bloodline; kinship group; house servant; lineage; category; kinship; sept; clan
  • antariksawan dokter:    physician astronauts
  • dokter anak:    paediatrician; paediatrician, pediatrician; pediatrist; pediatrician; baby doctor
  • dokter argentina:    argentine physicians
  • dokter austria:    austrian physicians
  • dokter azerbaijan:    azerbaijani physicians
  • dokter bedah:    surgeon
  • dokter daring:    online doctor
  • dokter denmark:    danish physicians
  • dokter gadungan:    quack
  • dokter gigi:    dentist; orthodontist; tooth doctor; dental practitioner; stomatologist; dental surgeon; checkup; odontologist
  • dokter hewan:    vet; veterinary; veterinarian; veterinary surgeon; doctor
  • I'm just talking with the family doctor here.
    Aku sedang bicara dengan dokter keluarga di sini.
  • And you are the Hastings' family therapist, Dr. Marks?
    Dan kau Dokter keluarga Hastings, Dr. Marks?
  • Arrest her. Pick up all known Dillinger associates, doctors, family,
    Ambil semua dikenal Dillinger rekan, dokter, keluarga,
  • I need to speak to our family doctor.
    Aku harus bicara pada dokter keluarga kami.
  • I want to say something to you as your family doctor.
    Aku mengatakan ini sebagai dokter keluarga kamu.
  • Towlen morning was the family doctor
    Towlen Morning adalah dokter keluarga
  • And you're a family doctor?
    Dan Anda adalah dokter keluarga?
  • I mean, what... what happened to the nice family doctor from Pasadena?
    Maksudku, apa... apa yang terjadi pada dokter keluarga dari Pasadena?
  • I'll send the family doctor.
    Aku akan mengirim dokter keluarga.
  • Are you a family doctor?
    Apa kamu dokter keluarga?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5